My Life, My Dreams

Career & Life Planning (CLP) Committee

CLP 2023-24


The HKUGA College Career & Life Planning Committee is set up to guide students through their career & life planning and to facilitate their applications to universities and other higher-education institutions.


Chairperson: Ms. Dorothy SHUM - Head of Admission and Career Guidance

Committee members:
Ms. Olivia LO - Career & Life Planning Administrative Officer
Ms. Nicole CHUI
Ms. Soying CHAN
Mr. Matthew LAM
Ms. Fiona LIU
Ms. Zarifa SHEIK
Ms. Vivien TO
Ms. Christy TSAI


Career Guidance Theme for each Year Level
Secondary 1: Exploring Secondary School Life and Portfolio Building
Secondary 2: Exploring The Work World
Secondary 3: Making Informed Choice in NSS Electives
Secondary 4: Enriching My NSS Life
Secondary 5: Exploring Different Career Paths
Secondary 6: Applying to University


Please click here for the Career and Life Planning Work Plan.


More resources and news from HKUGAC Facebook Page