My Life, My Dreams

Career & Life Planning (CLP) Committee

CLP 2023-24


The HKUGA College Career & Life Planning Committee is set up to guide students through their career & life planning and to facilitate their applications to universities and other higher-education institutions.


Chairperson: Ms. Dorothy SHUM - Head of Admission and Career Guidance

Committee members:

Ms. Katie CHOW - Career & Life Planning Coordinator
Ms. Olivia LO - Career & Life Planning Administrative Officer
Ms. Nicole CHUI
Ms. Soying CHAN
Ms. Fiona LIU
Ms. Zarifa SHEIK
Ms. Christy TSAI


Career Guidance Theme for each Year Level
Secondary 1: Exploring Secondary School Life and Portfolio Building
Secondary 2: Exploring The Work World
Secondary 3: Making Informed Choice in NSS Electives
Secondary 4: Enriching My NSS Life
Secondary 5: Exploring Different Career Paths
Secondary 6: Applying to University


Please click here for the Career and Life Planning Work Plan.


More resources and news from HKUGAC Facebook Page