


Junior Science Curriculum

Students will acquire a core of knowledge, skills and attitudes that will equip them to study more effectively in the senior years. The strand of Scientific Investigation is infused into the curriculum, to facilitate students’ understanding of the nature of science and acquisition of science process skills. The nature of science includes the belief and attitudes towards the knowledge about the natural world, the methods and processes through which scientific knowledge is acquired, and the socio-cultural and historical influences involved.


Senior Science Curriculum

In senior years, Science is taught in separate subjects as Biology, Chemistry and Physics.



The Physics course will provide a platform for acquiring conceptual and procedural knowledge relevant to daily life. With a solid foundation in physics, students should be able to appreciate both the intrinsic beauty and quantitative nature of physical phenomena, and the role of physics in many important developments in engineering, medicine, economics and other fields of science and technology.



The course deals with the composition, structures and properties of matter, the interactions between different types of matter, and the relationship between matter and energy.  Students will acquire relevant conceptual and procedural knowledge of chemistry from everyday experience and develop an understanding of the relationship between science, technology, society and the environment.



The study of biology aims to help students in understanding the nature of life and appreciate the wonders of the living world. Through providing biology-related learning experiences, scientific literacy is fostered, so that students can participate actively in our rapidly changing knowledge-based society.


2324 Curriculum Handbook Science

2324 Curriculum Handbook Physics

2324 Curriculum Handbook Chemistry

2324 Curriculum Handbook Biology