23 October 2019 – North Star Kick-off Ceremony 2019-2020

23 Oct 2019
Career & Life Planning

On the 23rd of October, the S5 students attended the North Star program kick-off ceremony, where we could meet our mentors for the first time. The North Star program, as the name implies, aims to nurture students into global citizens who can shine among the other stars in our society. It does so by inviting professionals from various sectors and conducts small group discussions with students, helping them understand more about their future career path.


Our group was lucky to be mentored by Mr. Pedro Wong, an experienced electrical engineer from HK Electric. He was a bright, approachable, and helpful person and told us just about anything a student should know about the future immediately after the DSE. From choosing schools to studying in university to getting the right job, he seemed to have endless tips for us. The 2-hour session ended with a meaningful assignment Mr. Wong gave us, and we couldn’t wait to set the date for our second meeting next month.


Two hours may seem more than necessary, but we all had so much more to ask our mentor that we were still chatting with him as we escorted him out of the hall. All thanks to my mentor, and the school for arranging this program, I truly felt like a new person after this meeting.

Charles Kwong, Brian Kwong & Lok Him Cheung (S5CH)

North Star Kick-off Ceremony 2019-2020North Star Kick-off Ceremony 2019-2020North Star Kick-off Ceremony 2019-2020North Star Kick-off Ceremony 2019-2020North Star Kick-off Ceremony 2019-2020North Star Kick-off Ceremony 2019-2020North Star Kick-off Ceremony 2019-2020North Star Kick-off Ceremony 2019-2020North Star Kick-off Ceremony 2019-2020